Everyone's gone. Rahul Kanakia's gone. Aimee Poynter's gone. Kelly Link, Steve Berman, and Holly Black have gone. Sean, Felice, Shveta, Alex, and people named Will. They've all gone. BK went ages ago.
I feel like bursting into tears until I realize it's gonna be more comical that melancholy to the other guests in the lobby area. Then I smile. Bittersweet is the word. I want to reflect and enjoy the memories of the last six weeks, but I don't want to get home and be pining for an experience that has ended. The present is too precious to miss. Instead, I'll catalogue (I can't help it) some of my favourite moments:
Playing a group game called "Thing" for the first time and finding I'd picked the Mother-Thing card. Baby-Things were spawned in the night!
Michael Furlong yelling "Go Team Furby" when playing volleyball and annoying the hell out of the other side. And repeatedly falling over on dancefloors, hills, etc
Nancy Kress saying she thought my story might be able to make it into Analog after revision.
Watching Alex and Will A. recite Kelly Link's story "The Cannon" for the Archives book reading. Alex has the most expressive voice I've heard, and it contrasted very effectively with Will's sly queries. Many British pounds will be rolling into the coffers of his AudioBook site shortly.
Chip Delany giving memorable advice about dogs and pushing the envelope.
Reading a manga tale that was as cool as the Ice Hailstorm Attack therein.
Seeing people write outside their usual zones...and succeed. You know who you are!
Beating Toby Buckell at billiards. Toby, as well as being an award winning writer by 21, used to make extra bucks as a pool hustler, so besting him on the (admittedly dodgy) green baize was very satisfying.
The moment the phrase "The writing was very smooth", oft used in the critique circle, tipped from sincere comment to parody.
Ordering Chinese food at 1am and not having to move to collect it. American consumer culture sometimes rocks.
Writing the last word of "Thargus and Brian" and completing six Clarion stories. Much jumping around did ensue...
Watching a five foot three (?), slight, Classical Pianist, take down a six foot six, Delany beard-impersonating, Chewbaca figure.
Seeing Sean Manseau -- weight-lifter, NYC bartender, take-no-shit kinda guy -- dressed like he'd come straight from a horrific 60s gender experiment...and Brad!
Watching BK Dunn, stoic-extraordinaire, pet his AIBO.
Harpers and goatee-beards.
Learning that Role-Playing-Games can be creepy, fun, and dramatic.
Michael Swanwick occasionally NOT being able to make a better title for a piece of work.
Discovering that my fellow Clarionites could write prose AND poetry. And then having the gumption to assemble it.
The last meal in the Owen Cafeteria. I like greasy food, but this place takes the deep-fried, butter-drenched, chocolate-coated biscuit.
Being given "Night of the Cooters" and "Werewolves in their Youth" during my 1-2-1 with Kelly Link. Just one of the countless examples of Kelly's generosity -- thanks for the Brownies, too!
Every time Will L opened his mouth. This man would be a stand-up comic if he wasn't such a good writer. I'm sorry I didn't get to know him better.
Chris Cevasco putting a box on his head for no apparent reason. Doesn't sound funny but this guy makes it hilarious.
Winning Mafia even though Steve Berman started the night-round while one of the Mafioso, Alex, was out the room. Alex walked to his seat while we, the other two Mafia, had our eyes open, and none of the villagers put 2 and 2 together in the morning.
Realizing I can probably sleep less.
Being out of England during another soul-destroying World Cup run.
BTW: Reports of Week 5 and 6 to follow. Keep checking below.