Because science into life doesn't go

Sunday, November 30, 2008


New story alert!

If you browse the interweb with Mozilla Firefox, then you should get over to to download a very cool Plug-In that will deliver a collection of new speculative fiction -- including my dark fantasy piece "Reunion" -- in a very novel way.  If you use Internet Explorer then you'll have to wait to January . . .

In other news, I will be posting daily wordcounts in an effort to shame myself into greater productivity.  Today's figure? 208. It is a Sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! Good to hear you're still at it and doing well.

8:08 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Thanks, Sarah!

Since completing my Masters I've had a lot more free time to focus on the writing, and I'm loving not having to study anymore!

Where's the novel at? Any plans to get to WorldCon -- or any other cons -- next year? I'm pretty sure I'll be going.

9:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope to get to WorldCon. I went to my first in Denver this summer and LOVED it. I probably won't have funds or time for more than one next year, so I've got some deciding to do.

6:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tumbarumba just served me up Reunion in the middle of a bland Wikipedia page. It's quite an intense story and hit twice as hard because my head was in a different space. I didn't get my emotional defences for fiction up in time, if you like.

So I thought I'd drop by and say thanks. Good story.

9:58 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Cheers, Neale. It's great to hear what readers think of this novel way of delivering stories. Glad you liked it.

11:44 AM


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