Because science into life doesn't go

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An Interlude in Mattituck

I've found my dream home! Unfortunately it belongs to Rob Levy's folks, and I don't think they're planning on selling. Not that I could afford it, anyhow. Located on the north fork of Long Island, the house is amazing for the following reasons and more: beautifully styled and proportioned interiors; a beachside plot; cool sea breezes through the garden; a swimming pool if a dip in the Long Island Sound doesn't appeal; a dozen places to perch a laptop or notepad and shoot the fictional breeze. One day I will live in such a place. J. K. Rowling move aside -- it's time for another YA heptology with film spin-offs.

I'm Mulder, Felice is Scully. Which TV personality are you most like? Check Noah Lusky's new book to find out!

Stress relief, nature's way.

Rob, Felice and I spent two fabulous days swimming, writing, dissecting relationships, cooking, lounging in the hammock, sleeping in, playing Pictionary, reading, and many other relaxing pursuits. It was bliss.

Felice does a little dance of joy -- or has she just trodden on a starfish?

A Clockwork Orange

A partial resurrection of the "Circle of Power" -- a huge glass table around which various Clarionites tapped away last summer -- meant I was able to hammer out a short piece for Nature's Future series.

A triptych of speculative power!

Harry Potter? Pah! Felice researches for an upcoming blockbuster . . .

Now it's time to head back to the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. I'm jealous!

I hope you are having fun. If you find yourself stranded in Cincinnati in the next 6 weeks, let me know. After that, Will and I will have relocated to Florida.


6:27 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Hey Aimee!

It's gonna be one helluva wild night for me to end up stranded in Cincinnati . . . I'm not even sure where that is exactly . . . I would've liked to see you guys, but some other time, eh?

Say hi to Will. Hope you're both writing, and good luck with the move to Florida.

8:51 AM


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