Because science into life doesn't go

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Palermo, Sicily: A Photo Story

Two Englishmen, an Irishman, and a man whose ancestry rivals James Brown's in its complexity, come together in Palermo . . .

. . . where, getting zero interest from the local birds . . .

. . . they hit the local's favourite nightspot and witness a fiery Italian stallion whisper sweet nothings to his beloved (or was that assault?) . . .

. . . Mark's too busy tracking down his lost luggage to care though . . .

. . . his annoyance is lifted when the boys pass a fish stall and feel a bit peckish . . .

. . . a short bus-ride later, they're sitting down at a swanky restaurant with sea views . . .

. . . where even the oyster scooper is fashionably dressed . . .

. . . sadly this sartorial elegance in no way aides the taste of the sea urchins . . .

. . . but a shopping spurge helps to erase the memory . . .

. . . where even the bigger sized man is catered for.

Afterwards, Mark continues his negotiations with lost luggage operators at Air-Italia . . .

. . . who can only offer him a fat man with an umbrella in compensation . . .

. . . a selection of cheeses accompanied by various jams . . .

. . . and a small budget that goes no way near to paying for his BOGLIOLI jacket.

With Mark on his way in style, the remaining trio skip town in hired wheels. . .

. . . and head east along the coast for glorious panoramas . . .

. . . stunning 16th century architecture . . .

. . . and very gay photo-shoots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant :-)

4:47 AM

Blogger luci said...

so you have been to scily? My spies in Brighton have now been activated!!

2:46 PM


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